So expect to see a lot more updates and changes here in the near future. Now that I am finishing up work on the feature film that has been consuming my life for as long as I can remember, I plan to resume regular writings and posts on here. Now that I am winding down on that project, I am also much more available now to do consulting. This usually consists of planning new workflows for people expanding into HDSLR filmmaking or 3D stereoscopic production, or are just trying to scale their existing workflow efficiently for larger projects.
I also have made some affiliate connections, and you will find those links scattered throughout the site. These links should have the benefit of allowing me to connect my readers with updated information about the price and availability of the gear and other items that I discuss in my posts. Usually the first time I mention an item, the corresponding link with take you to the manufacturers site for more specific details, which I have always done. Now, the second time I mention an item, the link from there will take you to a vendors site, which will provide current price and availability. At this point, that will be B&H for video gear, and Newegg for computer parts. I am under no illusions of getting rich this way, but I offer a lot of useful information on this site, with the idea in mind that certain people will hire me as a consultant, to provide them with information tailored to their specific needs. While that has been working out very well, I will see nothing in return from the other 99% of my readers. So if you are planning to make a purchase from one of these vendors anyway, clicking thru my site to reach them costs you nothing, and is a way to return the favor.